NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 6:00 PM at 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City, New Mexico. The GCAS's next monthly IN-PERSON ONLY meeting features our own Lee Brown, retired mining engineer and Chief Engineer for the Concentrator at the Chino Mine, who will discuss evidence of Prehistoric Mining in North America with highlights from our own region. Doors open at 6:00 PM with light refreshments provided with a brief socialization period and business meeting, to be immediately followed by Lee's presentation. See you there!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: Sunday, March 2, 2025: The next GCAS field trip will visit the Woodrow Site, one of the largest and best-protected sites in the area, led by its site steward, the GCAS's own Greg Conlin. Meet at 10:00 AM sharp at the Chuck's Folly gas station on the west side of Hwy 180 in Cliff, about a 35-minute drive westbound on Hwy 180 from Silver City and a short distance before the junction of Hwy 180 and Hwy 211. Wear sturdy shoes and weed proof clothes, and pack sun protection, water, and a sack lunch if desired. Before you go, read this Archaeology Southwest article to learn more about the significance of this site. As always, to protect sensitive sites like this one we limit this field trip to GCAS members and those guests who can accompany the GCAS member in their vehicle. Let's go!

Current Affairs

GCAS Fundraiser for WNMU Museum!

MA14The Grant County Archaeological Society’s regular monthly meeting on July 19, 2023, becomes a special fundraising event for the Western New Mexico University Museum at Fleming Hall, open to GCAS members &the general public in a hybrid in-person and Zoom event! Doors open at 5PM Mountain Daylight (Silver City) Time with a recommended $5.00 minimum donation to the WNMU Museum from in-person attendees and Zoom participants alike.

In-person attendees contribute at the door while Zoom attendees support the Museum via the GCAS's online PayPal payment portal. All donations go to the WNMU Museum.

Beginning at 5PM in-person attendees can view the Museum’s exhibits of Mimbres pottery & other artifacts. Light refreshments provided. Museum’s gift shop is open. At 6:00 PM Mountain Daylight (Silver City) Time, in-person and via Zoom, Featured Speaker USFS District Archaeologist Chris Adams introduces Mimbres Pottery - Feather Imagery. Talk will follow with in-person/online Q&A.

Museum space is limited so reserve an in-person seat or request our Zoom link by contacting the GCAS at [email protected] or by telephoning Marianne Smith at 772-529-2627. Join us in this special fundraising event for the WNMU Museum, and consider becoming a member of the GCAS yourself. The GCAS and the WNMU Museum are grateful for your support.

Jornada Research Institute Presentations

In addition to the Jornada Research Institute’s ongoing excavations at Creekside Village during the winter 2025 season, the JRI's series of in-person presentations includes:

Saturday, February 15, in El Paso: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Tuesday, February 18, in Alamogordo: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Tuesday, March 4, in Mountainair: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Please contact Dave Greenwald at [email protected] or 575-430-8854 for details of times and locations for all presentations listed above.

Wednesday, March 19, in Albuquerque: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act one-day class by Jeffery Hanson; contact Jeffery directly at [email protected] or 817-658-5544 for registration fees and other details.

/s/ webmaster

Jornada Research Institute - Upcoming Events

In addition to the Jornada Research Institute’s ongoing excavations at Creekside Village during the winter 2025 season, the JRI is offering a series of in-person presentations including:

Tuesday, January 21, in Alamogordo: Gypsum Overlook – An Early Archaic Period Structural Site in Tularosa Basin by Matt Cuba;

Saturday, February 15, in El Paso: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Tuesday, February 18, in Alamogordo: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Tuesday, March 4, in Mountainair: Archaeoastronomy Associations of the Great Kiva at Creekside Village by Dave Greenwald;

Please contact Dave Greenwald at [email protected] or 575-430-8854 for details of times and locations for all presentations listed above.

Wednesday, March 19, in Albuquerque: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act one-day class by Jeffery Hanson; contact Jeffery directly at [email protected] or 817-658-5544 for registration fees and other details.

/s/ webmaster

Southwest Symposium: Visit Paquime

Thursday-Saturday, January 16-18, 2025, in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico: join the 19th Biennial Southwest Symposium coordinated by Michael Searcy and José Luis Punzo Díaz at the Hotel Hacienda, Av. Benito Juárez 2603, Centro, 31700 Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico beginning 7:00PM on Thursday through 11:00AM Sunday GMT. $50-75.

A photo of Paquimé, located near the Southwest Symposium Conference location,
with tours planned for Sunday (photo from Wikimedia Commons).


Continue reading "Southwest Symposium: Visit Paquime" »

Archaeology Day in Tucson AZ

Consider an excursion to Tucson on Saturday, December 28, 2024, 8-11AM FREE (tho all gifts appreciated): Tucson's Archaeology Day offers FREE activities and demonstrations at Mission Garden, 946 W. Mission Lane,Tucson AZ. Every fourth Saturday of the month Old Pueblo Archaeology Center and Archaeology Southwest representatives come to Mission Garden to teach practical hands-on skills. Kids of all ages can try out fascinating ancient technologies such as etching shell, painting with natural pigments, throwing spears with atlatls, or making their own pinch pots, pendants, petroglyphs, and cordage. For more information visit or call 520-955-5200.

Photo of archaeologist Allen Denoyer courtesy of Friends of Mission Garden


On Vandalism

Following up on our previous post, here is one poet's view on such destructive expressions of privilege. Matthew Olzmann wrote:

Letter to the Person Who Carved His Initials into the Oldest Living Longleaf Pine in North America

- Southern Pines, NC


Tell me what it's like to live without

curiosity, without awe. To sail

on clear water, rolling your eyes

at the kelp reefs swaying

beneath you, ignoring the flicker

of mermaid scales in the mist,

looking at the world and feeling

only boredom. To stand

on the precipice of some wild valley,

the eagles circling, a herd of caribou

booming below, and to yawn

with indifference. To discover

something primordial and holy.

To have the smell of the earth

welcome you to everywhere.

To take it all in, and then,

to reach for your knife.

/s/ webmaster

Well, Fortunately That Was Quick

Perps2Update on the 11/23/2024 vandalism of a petroglyph panel on public land in Utah: law enforcement have identified both perps. The woman, Daniela Ganassim Erickson, was arrested 11/30 and now sits in jail on felony vandalism charges. While she awaits a visit from the Consequences Fairy, we'd like to remind everyone that it was involvement by the public in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management that led to such a quick result. Members of the public who care enough about ancient places to do something when they see acts of destruction, really do make a difference and help preserve our patrimony. Thank you!

/s/ webmaster

Anyone Seen These Two People?

Perps1The Kane County, Utah Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Land Management would like a word with them.

On November 23, 2024, the Kane County Sheriff's Office received a report with 4 photos of two people caught in the act of vandalizing a petroglyph panel near the Wire Pass trailhead in Kanab, Utah - a popular hiking area near Arizona's northern border. If anyone recognizes the people or the vehicle in these photos, please contact the Kane County Sheriff's Office on their Facebook page, or by telephone at 435-644-2668 or 436-644-4916.


Perps2 Perps3Perps4



Thank you for any help you can give to protect our public lands.

/s/ webmaster [all photos courtesy of Kane County Sheriff's Office]

Fence Project at the MCHS

The Mimbres Culture Heritage Site and the co-located Mattocks Site just got a brand new perimeter fence and things are looking good. This report from Archaeology Southwest explains it all - the number of volunteers and the amount of planning that are involved to make a seemingly simple project a resounding success. It's a nice photo essay to enjoy before visiting the MCHS to inspect the fence for yourself!

/s/ webmaster

National Archaeology Day Soon Coming!

IMG_0101Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:00AM to 3:00PM, at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres, NM: the MCHS celebrates National Archaeology Day with guided site tours, tales of local legends, and activities for the whole family. Immediately following, from 4:00PM to 5:00PM at the Roundup Lodge, Marilyn Markel will present Apaches on the Mimbres and the Story of the Captive Boy, Santiago McKinn. Santiago McKinn's later residence has recently been located at a Mimbres Valley historic/archaeological site so this is a talk you won't want to miss. Telephone Marilyn directly at 575-536-9337 with any questions.

For even more online and in-person action, always check out the long list of upcoming activities happening all over the place, on the GCAS Events page on this very website.

/s/ webmaster

Upcoming Events

The next several weeks are chock-full of archaeologically flavored events and activities, and one of them offers an opportunity for you (yes, you!) to help introduce local schoolchildren to experience hands-on education in ancient pottery techniques:

Friday, September 27, 2024, 9:30AM to 12:00PM Noon at the WNMU Museum in Silver City: the San Lorenzo Elementary School's 4th and 5th grade classes, guided by the GCAS's own Marilyn Markel, visit the WNMU Museum for a morning or education and activities, immediately followed by a pizza lunch for the kids and all other participants in a nearby outdoor area. Marilyn Markel is seeking two volunteers to help at the Museum and to enjoy a slice of pizza afterwards. Please telephone Marilyn directly at 575-536-9337 to help out and for extra details.

Continue reading "Upcoming Events" »