Everyone is welcome at any of our general meetings, held on the third Wednesday of each month in certain rotating locations. Check our home page, just below the banner image of the Gila Cliff Dwellings, for the specific time, date, and location. New members can sign up at any general meeting; or if you prefer you can print out and mail the form below with a check for your membership dues to the address provided. And we would certainly be happy for you to contact us with any questions you may have. We hope to see you soon!
Membership Application
Membership is from January through December of the current year.
The information you give in this form is used only by us.
We do not share information with any other organization.
Paying online? Click below to pay, then we will send you a reply email with instructions on emailing us the member information shown in the following form!
Telephone: home Cell
Email Address:
o Single Membership ($20.00) |
o New Membership |
o Household Membership ($30.00) |
o Renewal |
Would you prefer that your Monthly Newsletter be sent to you by:
o US Postal Service (Add $10 to membership fee*) |
o Email |
(*Email newsletter saves GCAS $10.00+ per year in postage.)
If paying by check, please print the form and mail your check and your completed registration to:
Grant County Archaeological Society, PO Box 1713, Silver City, NM 88062.
This form is also available in PDF format to view, download, and print: Download membership-application-0720.pdf (30.3K)