NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 15, 2024, 6:00 PM New Mexico time - ONLINE VIA ZOOM: The GCAS kicks off 2025 with a brief business meeting to be immediately followed by our Featured Speaker, Rhianna Cooke, senior anthropology undergraduate at Indiana University/Bloomington. Rhianna will discuss Clay in the Kiva: Possible Uses for Natural Clay Beneath Twin Pines Village. Twin Pines Village is a site located in the upper Mimbres Valley area in the Gila National Forest. It has been the subject of years of study under the direction of Dr. Fumi Arakawa, and Rhianna performed fieldwork there during the summer of 2024. She will describe that during their 2024 excavation, Dr. Arakawa’s crew discovered a large natural deposit of clay beneath the site. Later, it became clear that the clay had been manipulated/used in some fashion in the great kiva at the site, although Dr. Arakawa, Rhianna, and other researchers are still questioning the exact purpose that this "clay pit" may have served. Join us on Zoom starting at about 5:45 to get situated and socialize before the official meeting begins at 6:00 PM sharp. A Q&A session will follow Rhianna’s talk. Members, check your email inbox for your Zoom invitation about one week before the presentation (roughly 1/8/2025). Nonmembers, email the GCAS for the Zoom link about a week prior (1/8/2025).

NEXT FIELD TRIP: TBA: watch this space.


GCAS Fundraiser for WNMU Museum!

MA14The Grant County Archaeological Society’s regular monthly meeting on July 19, 2023, becomes a special fundraising event for the Western New Mexico University Museum at Fleming Hall, open to GCAS members &the general public in a hybrid in-person and Zoom event! Doors open at 5PM Mountain Daylight (Silver City) Time with a recommended $5.00 minimum donation to the WNMU Museum from in-person attendees and Zoom participants alike.

In-person attendees contribute at the door while Zoom attendees support the Museum via the GCAS's online PayPal payment portal. All donations go to the WNMU Museum.

Beginning at 5PM in-person attendees can view the Museum’s exhibits of Mimbres pottery & other artifacts. Light refreshments provided. Museum’s gift shop is open. At 6:00 PM Mountain Daylight (Silver City) Time, in-person and via Zoom, Featured Speaker USFS District Archaeologist Chris Adams introduces Mimbres Pottery - Feather Imagery. Talk will follow with in-person/online Q&A.

Museum space is limited so reserve an in-person seat or request our Zoom link by contacting the GCAS at [email protected] or by telephoning Marianne Smith at 772-529-2627. Join us in this special fundraising event for the WNMU Museum, and consider becoming a member of the GCAS yourself. The GCAS and the WNMU Museum are grateful for your support.

An Intriguing Zoom Presentation

Thursday, January 16, 2025: FREE online via Zoom, 7:00-8:30PM (ARIZONA/Mountain Standard Time): Old Pueblo Archaeology Center's “Third Thursday Food for Thought” program presents If the Shoe Fits: Subarctic-style Moccasins and the Apachean Journey from the Northern Dene Homeland to the Precontact Southwest by HDR Archaeologist Kevin P. Gilmore, PhD.

BSM Type 2(Bb) moccasin from Montezuma Castle, Arizona,
photo adapted from “If the Shoe Fits” article

by Kevin P. Gilmore, Edward A. Jolie, and John W. Ives
(2024, Journal of Arizona Archaeology 10(2):145-162)

Continue reading "An Intriguing Zoom Presentation" »

Anyone Seen These Two People?

Perps1The Kane County, Utah Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Land Management would like a word with them.

On November 23, 2024, the Kane County Sheriff's Office received a report with 4 photos of two people caught in the act of vandalizing a petroglyph panel near the Wire Pass trailhead in Kanab, Utah - a popular hiking area near Arizona's northern border. If anyone recognizes the people or the vehicle in these photos, please contact the Kane County Sheriff's Office on their Facebook page, or by telephone at 435-644-2668 or 436-644-4916.


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Thank you for any help you can give to protect our public lands.

/s/ webmaster [all photos courtesy of Kane County Sheriff's Office]

22d Mogollon Conference repost: register soon!

Thursday, October 3 through Saturday, October 5, 2024, Silver City NM: It's the 22d annual Mogollon Conference, hosted by WNMU and the Museum at Fleming Hall.

The Museum will host a complimentary reception for attendees on the evening of October 3 before the two-day conference gets underway on Friday and Saturday at the Bessie Forward GRC on the WNMU Campus. Registration for the conference sessions is $45/person until September 19; thereafter $55/person. BUT: special offer to GCAS members! The Museum needs 3-4 volunteers to help with registration at the conference and would waive the registration fee for those folks! Contact Museum Director Danni Romero to volunteer; check the Mogollon Conference website for all other developing info including fees for the October 4 banquet and the Sunday, October 6 Mimbres Foundation reunion:

Continue reading "22d Mogollon Conference repost: register soon!" »

Archaeological Conservancy Zoom Presentation by Alan Garfinkel August 29!

Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 5:00 pm MDT (current New Mexico Time) - FREE online lecture hosted by the Archaeological Conservancy: Alan Garfinkel presents Archaic Forager Religious Theology: Coso Region Rock Art of Eastern California.


The Coso Range of eastern California, along the western edge of the Great Basin, is the location of a tremendous collection of Coso rock art. With a conservative estimate of more than 100,000 images this collection is attributed to the Coso people and has been dated as far back as the Little Lake Period (6000 to 2000 BC). The rock art here is unique in its detail and depictions of readily identified creatures and anthropomorphic figures. Dr. Alan Garfinkel, considered a well-regarded authority on the Coso Range Rock Art traditions and Coso Region prehistory in general, discusses this rock art, including a very unique panel found at The Archaeological Conservancy’s Portuguese Bench preserve. You will learn about symbolic parallels between the Coso Range prehistoric rock art and Uto-Aztecan religious traditions found farther south and hear about studies that illuminate the significance of female figures in Coso rock art that were previously considered to be dominated by male representations. Dr. Garfinkel will share what he’s learned about attributes of individual images and the significance of some of the motifs, such as the inclusion of avian attributes (legs, feet, and feather adornments) and the presence of serpent-themed designs and images.

Continue reading "Archaeological Conservancy Zoom Presentation by Alan Garfinkel August 29!" »

22d Mogollon Conference: Soon Coming

Thursday, October 3 through Saturday, October 5, 2024, Silver City NM: It's the 22d annual Mogollon Conference, hosted by WNMU and the Museum at Fleming Hall.

The Museum will host a complimentary reception for attendees on the evening of October 3 before the two-day conference gets underway on Friday and Saturday at the Bessie Forward GRC on the WNMU Campus. Registration for the conference sessions is $45/person until September 19; thereafter $55/person. BUT: special offer to GCAS members! The Museum needs 3-4 volunteers to help with registration at the conference and would waive the registration fee for those folks! Contact Museum Director Danni Romero to volunteer; check the Mogollon Conference website for all other developing info including fees for the October 4 banquet and the Sunday, October 6 Mimbres Foundation reunion:

Continue reading "22d Mogollon Conference: Soon Coming" »

The 2024 ASU/WNMU Field School's Archaeology Fair Is Almost Here

Archaeology_fair_2024_v2_1Saturday, July 27, 2024, 10AM-noon at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site: the 2024 Archaeology Fair, presented by directing archaeologist Karen Schollmeyer, WNMU Museum director Danni Romero, and their team: the Preservation Archaeology Museum Curation and Survey Field School, will take place on site and in conjunction with the 2024 Hummingbird Festival at 12 Sage Drive in the Mimbres Valley. The public is invited to this FREE presentation to see the field school's latest research and meet the archaeologists of the future!

/s/ webmaster

The July 17, 2024, GCAS Meeting Features Speaker Karen Schollmeyer PhD

Karen-small-pickWednesday, July 17, 2024, 6:00PM: the GCAS monthly meeting at the Roundup Lodge in San Lorenzo (Mimbres Valley) begins with our usual summertime potluck - bring your own plates & utensils, and a dish for yourself or to share with what we expect to be a larger than usual number of guests, including the starving students of the 2024 Preservation Archaeology Museum Curation and Survey Field School, jointly directed by Archaeology Southwest/ASU's Karen Schollmeyer PhD and WNMU Museum's director Danni Romero PhD. Let's feed these folks well, people, they've earned it!

At about 6:30PM we will have a brief business meeting after which we will welcome our featured speaker, Karen Schollmeyer herself, who will share updates on her and her field school team's current work at the WNMU Museum which includes curating the artifacts comprising the NAN Ranch collection.

Continue reading "The July 17, 2024, GCAS Meeting Features Speaker Karen Schollmeyer PhD" »

Upcoming Free Lecture at WNMU Museum

WNMUMuseumWednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the WNMU Museum - FREE and open to the public: Dr. Jeffrey Ferguson, University of Missouri Assistant Professor of Anthropology/Research Associate Professor, presents: The Next Stage of Archaeometry in Southwestern Archaeology: New Ways to Explore Old Data. Dr. Ferguson explains, "the application of analytical chemistry and other scientific techniques to Southwestern Archaeology can reveal detailed information about ancient behavior from trade and exchange to large-scale social interaction. I will present three main analytical techniques employed at the Archaeometry Laboratory at the University of Missouri Research Reactor Center (MURR) with a focus on what we can learn about people in the past. These techniques have been in use for decades and we are looking at ways to synthesize the accumulated data at much larger scales. I will also present some new research on site identification using drone-based LiDAR in west-central New Mexico." Join Dr. Ferguson in the WNMU Museum's air-conditioned splendor for an informative discussion surrounded by Mimbres artifacts. Although this lecture is free, please consider making a cash donation in any amount to the WNMU Museum at the door to support their ongoing curation efforts.

/s/ webmaster


22d Mogollon Conference repost: mark your calendar

Thursday, October 3 through Saturday, October 5, 2024, Silver City NM: It's the 22d annual Mogollon Conference, hosted by WNMU and the Museum at Fleming Hall.

The Museum will host a complimentary reception for attendees on the evening of October 3 before the two-day conference gets underway on Friday and Saturday at the Bessie Forward GRC on the WNMU Campus. Registration for the conference sessions is $45/person until September 19; thereafter $55/person. BUT: special offer to GCAS members! The Museum needs 3-4 volunteers to help with registration at the conference and would waive the registration fee for those folks! Contact Museum Director Danni Romero to volunteer; check the Mogollon Conference website for all other developing info including fees for the October 4 banquet and the Sunday, October 6 Mimbres Foundation reunion:

Continue reading "22d Mogollon Conference repost: mark your calendar" »

June 1 Lecture at the MCHS

Saturday, June 1, 2024, 1:00PM-3:00PM, Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres, NM:  The 2024 Ancestral Gila Homelands Events and Zoom Lecture Series features Juan Rojelio and Ruben Leyva discussing The Gila Wilderness and Indigenous Ancestral Homelands. Check here for details of this and other lectures in the series that continues during the 2024 celebration of the Gila Wilderness Centennial.

/s/ webmaster