NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 15, 2024, 6:00 PM New Mexico time - ONLINE VIA ZOOM: The GCAS kicks off 2025 with a brief business meeting to be immediately followed by our Featured Speaker, Rhianna Cooke, senior anthropology undergraduate at Indiana University/Bloomington. Rhianna will discuss Clay in the Kiva: Possible Uses for Natural Clay Beneath Twin Pines Village. Twin Pines Village is a site located in the upper Mimbres Valley area in the Gila National Forest. It has been the subject of years of study under the direction of Dr. Fumi Arakawa, and Rhianna performed fieldwork there during the summer of 2024. She will describe that during their 2024 excavation, Dr. Arakawa’s crew discovered a large natural deposit of clay beneath the site. Later, it became clear that the clay had been manipulated/used in some fashion in the great kiva at the site, although Dr. Arakawa, Rhianna, and other researchers are still questioning the exact purpose that this "clay pit" may have served. Join us on Zoom starting at about 5:45 to get situated and socialize before the official meeting begins at 6:00 PM sharp. A Q&A session will follow Rhianna’s talk. Members, check your email inbox for your Zoom invitation about one week before the presentation (roughly 1/8/2025). Nonmembers, email the GCAS for the Zoom link about a week prior (1/8/2025).

NEXT FIELD TRIP: TBA: watch this space.

The July 17, 2024, GCAS Meeting Features Speaker Karen Schollmeyer PhD
Next GCAS Meeting Welcomes Dylan Person as Featured Speaker

Congratulate Our 2024 Summer Interns!

Tinton P.  Gloria W. and Bill Hudson 6-27-2024 (3) Gloria White and Bill 6-27-2024The GCAS is happy to congratulate our two 2024 summer interns, Trinton Palomarez (first-year intern) and Gloria White (second-year intern), who headquarter at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site as they train in educational and scientific activities under the supervision of the GCAS's own Marilyn Markel. This is the second year the GCAS has supported each of two high school level students with a summer internship including $250 stipends.

Gloria and Kid's camp kids sketching artifacts 6-27-2024
The photos you see here were all taken by Marilyn Markel of Trinton, Gloria, and MCHS/GCAS volunteers in action on June 27, 2024. Gloria W. giving a tour 6-27-2024This was the third and last day the interns and volunteers ran an experiential archaeological workshop with the Silver City Water Keeper's Kids Camp. The summer campers engaged in hands-on activities like processing yucca, making clay pots, and flagging and sketching artifacts. Second-year intern Gloria White (seen here in the photo on the right) has already gained the necessary experience to lead public tours of the Mattocks archaeological site, co-located at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site. Both Trinton and Gloria will assist with children's activities at the upcoming Hummingbird Festival on July 27 and 28, so please look for them at the Heritage Site and congratulate them on a summer well done!
/s/ webmaster


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