Help Us Move Forward
And now, a message from your GCAS president: WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please step up to fill one of the following upcoming vacancies so that the GCAS can keep moving forward with out programs and events. Email Marianne at [email protected] or call her at 772-529-2627 for details of the activity you aim to take on. It doesn't even have to be one of the following; use your imagination for how you want to contribute to the oldest continuously operating archaeological club in New Mexico!
No experience necessary for any position – we will show you the ropes and provide you with the materials you need to make it work:
Our newsletter editor, who’s been doing the job for several years, is currently having trouble maintaining the usual schedule. We need a GCAS member to take over producing the monthly newsletter and emailing it to our membership.
Please help Marilyn Markel to select appropriate archaeological sites and lead our GCAS field trips.
Please help Marianne maintain our GCAS website.
Three of our board positions expire at the end of 2023. Please join the board to make the decisions that keep the GCAS functioning.
Let's hear from you soon!
/s/ webmaster