NEXT MEETING: the GCAS shifts the regular day, time, and location of October's usual Wednesday meeting to 4:00PM on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2024, to accommodate our featured speaker and National Archaeology Day. For those wishing to spend all day Saturday in the Mimbres Valley, the fun begins at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site where folks will celebrate National Archaeology Day from 10:00AM to 3:00PM with assorted activities. Immediately following, from 4:00PM to 5:00PM, the GCAS general membership is welcome to join the general public at the Roundup Lodge where Marilyn Markel will present Apaches on the Mimbres and the Story of the Captive Boy, Santiago McKinn. Promptly after Marilyn's talk concludes at about 5PM, the GCAS will have our typical brief business meeting and we expect to adjourn by about 5:30PM. Given the earliness of the hour, no potluck or refreshments will be provided so that GCAS members can all be safely back home in time for dinner. See you on Saturday the 19th!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: From Thursday, October 3 through Saturday, October 5, 2024, in lieu of the GCAS's typical monthly field trip we encourage GCAS members to attend the 22d annual Mogollon Conference in Silver City. The WNMU Museum at Fleming Hall will host a complimentary reception for attendees on the evening of October 3 before the two-day conference gets underway on Friday and Saturday at the Bessie Forward GRC on the WNMU campus. Registration for the conference is $55/person. Check the Mogollon Conference website for all other info including fees for the Sunday, October 6 Mimbres Foundation reunion at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres NM from 10:00 AM-12:00PM noon. Join the alumni at the Mattocks Site where they spent four seasons of archaeological excavations in the mid-1970s. A tour of the archaeological site and the historic buildings is planned for the morning, with light refreshments on offer. Everyone is welcome to attend by reservation only with a contribution of $5 per person to offset expenses of refreshments and supplies. For preliminary details and to reserve a spot, Email the GCAS to sign up for the reunion only; or instead register for this reunion when signing up for the rest of the Mogollon Conference.

October Reminders
Jornada Research Institute - Projects and Trips

The GCAS's Nancy Coinman Library

L to R  MGendron  one of Nancys sisters  MKM  Pete Crum  MEberhardtSaturday, October 14, 2023, was an auspicious day. We experienced a total solar eclipse. The Mimbres Culture Heritage Site hosted National Archaeology Day with features and events that included tours of the Mattocks archaeological site, hands-on activities for all ages, storytelling about a historic local homicide, and the always-fabulous GCAS used-book sale. The day's special VIPs included two professional archaeologists, Karl and Toni Laumbach; and members of two Apache families, the Leybas and the Rogelios, who attended in traditional Apache regalia to commemorate the 143d anniversary on October 14 of the death of Victorio, chief of the Warm Springs band of the Tchihendeh Apache. About 40 attendees heard Karl Laumbach give the afternoon's featured presentation, Hembrillo: an Apache Battlefield of the Victorio War, April 5, 6, and 7, 1880.

3 of Nancys sisters  MM  Nancys portait quilt on wallThe highlight of the day for the GCAS was our official dedication of the GCAS library to the memory of archaeologist, educator, and GCAS member Nancy Coinman PhD. Several members of Nancy's family and close family friends led by Nancy's big brother, Bill Arvidson, traveled from as far away as Delaware for the occasion. Nancy's former research table, refinished and in use as the library's work table, showcased an array of Nancy's published writings as well as volumes about and by Karl and Toni Laumbach. Marilyn Markel presented the dedication of the library and my goodness did it suddenly get dusty in there.

MM with Nancys big brother  Bill Arvidson MM  Bill A  family friend  MKM Four members of Nancys family with MMNancy's portrait, quilted by Marilyn Markel's twin sister, Carilyn Alarid, now graces the library's wall above two Indigenous baskets Nancy had gifted to Marilyn [see the second photo in this post, up there on the right]. New signage on the windows will read, Welcome to the Grant County Archaeological Society's Nancy Coinman Library.

/s/ webmaster


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