NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:00PM: the GCAS in-person monthly meeting begins with the last potluck of the summer at the Roundup Lodge in San Lorenzo (Mimbres Valley). As usual bring your own plates & utensils, and a dish for yourself or to share. A brief business meeting follows at about 6:45PM, after which we will welcome our Featured Speaker, Allen Denoyer, preservation archaeologist at Archaeology Southwest in Tucson, Arizona. Allen will use examples from his years of experimental archaeology projects to introduce us to the wonderful world of MUD, ranging from how mud is utilized in pithouse construction, to excavations of mud-built agricultural fields, to the amazing impressions that can be found in prehistoric mud. Join us!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: We defer a September field trip due to conflict with the Labor Day holiday. From Thursday, October 3 through Saturday, October 5, 2024, in lieu of the GCAS's typical monthly field trip we encourage GCAS members to attend the 22d annual Mogollon Conference in Silver City. The WNMU Museum at Fleming Hall will host a complimentary reception for attendees on the evening of October 3 before the two-day conference gets underway on Friday and Saturday at the Bessie Forward GRC on the WNMU campus. Registration for the conference is $45/person until September 19; thereafter $55/person. BUT: special offer to GCAS members! The Museum needs 3-4 volunteers to help with registration at the conference and would waive the registration fee for those folks! Contact Museum Director Danni Romero to volunteer; check the Mogollon Conference website for all other info including fees for the October 4 banquet and the Sunday, October 6 Mimbres Foundation reunion at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site in Mimbres NM from 10:00 AM-12:00PM noon. Join the alumni at the Mattocks Site where they spent four seasons of archaeological excavations in the mid-1970s. A tour of the archaeological site and the historic buildings is planned for the morning, with light refreshments on offer. Everyone is welcome to attend by reservation only with a contribution of $5 per person to offset expenses of refreshments and supplies. For preliminary details and to reserve a spot, Email the GCAS to sign up for the reunion only; or instead register for this reunion when signing up for the rest of the Mogollon Conference.

Seeking Volunteers For GCAS Booth at Harvest Festival!
A Tribute to John Massey Fitch

October Calendar!

The archaeological action is fast and furious during October. Set aside the following dates, volunteer to help out with activities, and check back to our Events page and to this here blog for details as they develop:

Sunday, 10/1/2023: the monthly GCAS field trip IS RESCHEDULED to Sunday, October 22, 2023, beginning at 10:00AM, for a special field trip to include visiting members of the Albuquerque Archaeological Society. Destination to be determined so watch this space as plans develop.

Sunday, October 1, 2023, free online via Zoom; 4:00PM Mountain Standard (Arizona) Time or 5:00PM Mountain Daylight (New Mexico) Time: Archaeology Southwest has a new event tailored to their out-of-town members, friends, and supporters. Backstage with Archaeology Southwest will give participants a more up-close-and-personal look at the wide variety of programs, projects, and people that make Archaeology Southwest such a vital organization. With this Zoom presentation folks will have the opportunity to ask questions of the evening's presenters, chat with fellow attendees and Archaeology Southwest Staff members, and better understand how critical their support is to Archaeology Southwest's work. October’s topic is Meeting the Future of Preservation Archaeology: Our Commitment to Tribal Collaboration presented by Bill Doelle (President, CEO, and Moderator); Ashleigh Thompson (Director of Tribal Collaboration in Research & Education); and Skylar Begay (Director of Tribal Collaboration in Outreach & Advocacy). Register here. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email, and then a reminder email closer to the date of the event, both with Zoom login and instructions. Contact Director of Philanthropy Caprice Lengle at (520) 849-6478 or by email with questions.

Saturday, 10/7/2023, 10AM-4PM: Mimbres Valley Harvest Festival at San Lorenzo Elementary School. We need 3 or 4 volunteers to help run the GCAS booth on Saturday & set up the booth the day before. To volunteer for a short time or for all day, please contact Marianne at 772-529-2627 or [email protected]; or contact Marilyn Markel at 575-536-9337. Thank you for your help!

Saturday, 10/14/2023: National Archaeology Day: 

events at the Mimbres Culture Heritage Site:

Throughout the day: hands-on activities for kids of all ages – grind corn on a metate! Whirl a bullroarer! Make twine from yucca! And more!

9:00AM-noon: solar eclipse (sunglasses provided)

10:00AM: guided tour of Mattocks archaeological site

11:00AM: the tragic story of Ben Gooch and Murder on the Mimbres

2:00PM: official dedication of the GCAS library to the memory of archaeologist Nancy Coinman

…and to round-up the day, at 4:00 PM at the Roundup Lodge, archaeologist Karl Laumbach speaks on Hembrillo: an Apache Battlefield of the Victorio War, April 5-7, 1880.

Wednesday, 10/18/2023: GCAS’s general meeting IS RESCHEDULED to 3 days later on Saturday, October 21, 2023, beginning at 6:00PM, for a special meeting and potluck dinner at 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City to welcome visiting members of the Albuquerque Archaeological Society to our area for the weekend. GCAS members, please bring your finest potluck dishes to share with about 15 members of AAS who would love to meet you - see below for a sketch of the rest of the weekend's plans.

Friday evening, 10/20/2023 thru Sunday morning, 10/22/2023: Members of our companion organization and generous supporters of our MAREC project, the Albuquerque Archaeological Society, will visit Silver City for the weekend! GCAS members are welcome to join any/all activities but space is limited so email or call Marianne at [email protected] or 772-529-2627 to confirm availability for one or more of the following activities, and for details/directions as they develop:

Friday, 10/20, 6:00PM, Little Toad Creek Brewery get-together (dutch treat);

Saturday, 10/21, 10:00AM, tour of WNMU Museum;

Saturday, 10/21, 2:30PM, tour of Mimbres Culture Heritage Site;

Saturday, 10/21, 6:00 PM: GCAS general meeting and potluck at the Memory Lane clubhouse - 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City; presentation TBD;

Sunday, 10/22, 10:00AM: field trip, destination TBA.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023: DEADLINE for grant application: The Site Steward Foundation is offering two $1,000 grant awards in 2023 to individuals and organizations for funding projects supporting the preservation, education, and research of archaeological and cultural resources in New Mexico. The purpose of the H. Wayne Nelson grant program is to encourage and support professionals, students, and volunteers in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, and cultural resource management. The grant application will be evaluated based on the project’s critical need and proposed outcome, including community impact, benefits, and feasibility. The H. Wayne Nelson grant application deadline is October 31, 2023, with the grant award date by December 31, 2023. Please email Gary Newgent to request a grant application form and contact the GCAS with your grant proposal!

Big fun all month!

/s/ webmaster



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