NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 6:00 PM: the annual GCAS holiday party gets underway in Silver City at the Memory Lane Clubhouse, 2045 Memory Lane (last building on the right as you face the entrance to the Memory Lane cemetery). Doors open at 6:00PM. We’ll announce our Board of Directors & officers for 2025, then go straight into holiday festivities including a potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange. Bring your best holiday potluck dish to share, your most festively-wrapped white elephant to put under the tree --- and don’t forget your Santa hats! Email Marianne or telephone/text her at 772-529-2627 if questions. Let's all get together one last time before 2025!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: TBA: watch this space.

Previous month:
February 2023
Next month:
April 2023

March 2023

Archaeological Society of New Mexico's Annual Meeting Comes in May

3riosFriday through Sunday, May 5 through 7, 2023: The Archaeological Society of New Mexico (ASNM)'s annual meeting is scheduled for the Ruidoso Convention Center. ASNM affiliate organization, planned and organized this year by the Jornada Research Institute. Tentative theme for this meeting is “By Leaps and Bounds: Recent Advances in Archaeological Inquiry across Southeastern New Mexico,” which explores a number of contributing discoveries that have expanded archaeological interpretations across this vast region of the State. The 2023 meeting launches on the afternoon of May 5 with ASNM's board meeting, a rock art meeting, and certification meeting followed by a “meet and greet” cash bar, buffet dinner, and presentation on The Archaeology of Tularosa Canyon. The day of May 6 will consist of the presentation of papers by various speakers, an evening social hour, dinner, and awards. Myles Miller will present the evening's Bandelier Lecture, summarizing the advances that have been made and interpretations generated through archaeological survey, excavations, rock art studies, ethnohistory, and archaeoastronomy; and describing the increasingly greater precision of various remote sensing techniques, artifact analyses, and chronometric dates. Expect a variety of tours (still TBD) to local sites on May 7.

Save the dates and watch JRI's announcement page for registration information and updates as they develop. We'll see you there!

/s/ webmaster

Repost: 2023 Earth Day in April!

EarthDay 2023Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: It's the annual Earth Day/Continental Divide Trail Days celebration in Gough Park, Silver City, brought to you by the Gila Resources Information Project (GRIP).

The GCAS has typically had a booth at this event, with educational materials of all kinds and a variety of fundraising/sales items; please email Marianne or telephone her at 772-529-2627 to volunteer some time to help us set up, run, and break down our booth on Saturday.

For further information on the additional events are happening all weekend including a Talks of the Trail speaker series, a community celebration, and CDT hikes, contact GRIP directly.

/s/ webmaster

Join the GCAS or Renew Your Membership!

MA3895 - THAT bowlThere's no better time to join the GCAS or renew your membership than right now!

Membership runs from January through December of the current year. Our individual membership is $20 and our family membership is $30. Click through to this page to either renew online via our PayPal link, or to download, print, fill out our Membership form, and send it with a check by mail to: Grant County Archaeological Society, PO Box 1713, Silver City, NM 88062.

Thank you for joining us!

/s/ webmaster

Final Repost: SAA Annual Meeting Soon Coming to Portland, Oregon

Saa-logo Saa-2023-or-logoThe Society for American Archaeology (SAA)'s 88th annual meeting will be held this year in Portland, Oregon from Wednesday, March 29, 2023, through Sunday, April 2, 2023! Any GCAS members planning to attend? Please contact the GCAS by email or telephone (772-529-2627) to let us know and we'll send a little bit of swag to SAA along with you. Further meeting details, the meeting schedule, and contact info are all available on the SAA's Annual Meeting page. Plan now!

/s/ webmaster

Reposting: Special March Event with AAHS

Pat Gilman describes her excavationCurrent GCAS member and supporter, and past member of the Mimbres Foundation, archaeologist Pat Gilman announces that the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society is in the preliminary stages of planning a field trip to the Mimbres Valley from Friday, March 10, through Sunday, March 12, 2023. They've booked a room at the Little Toad Creek Brewery for Friday dinner (March 10), hoping that they can also use the room for a brief Powerpoint overview of Mimbres archaeology presented by Pat Gilman herself.

AAHS is inviting GCAS members to join them for the March 10 dinner - dutch treat - and then join them for any or all parts of the weekend tour they have in mind. Pat reminds us that the AAHS is still in the early planning stages for this field trip, but she asks GCAS members to “Please let me know if you can join us for dinner and the show*.  The Little Toad Creek Brewery would like to know about how many people will be at dinner.  I don’t need to know if you will join us for any parts of the field trip itself, but I hope you can.  I want to show off what you all have done, and I’d like you to talk about it. And I’d like our members to be able to chat with you all who know so much about the local archaeology and the valley.”

Continue reading "Reposting: Special March Event with AAHS" »