NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 6:00 PM at 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City, New Mexico. The GCAS's next monthly IN-PERSON ONLY meeting features our own Lee Brown, retired mining engineer and Chief Engineer for the Concentrator at the Chino Mine, who will discuss evidence of Prehistoric Mining in North America with highlights from our own region. Doors open at 6:00 PM with light refreshments provided with a brief socialization period and business meeting, to be immediately followed by Lee's presentation. See you there!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: Sunday, March 2, 2025: The next GCAS field trip will visit the Woodrow Site, one of the largest and best-protected sites in the area, led by its site steward, the GCAS's own Greg Conlin. Meet at 10:00 AM sharp at the Chuck's Folly gas station on the west side of Hwy 180 in Cliff, about a 35-minute drive westbound on Hwy 180 from Silver City and a short distance before the junction of Hwy 180 and Hwy 211. Wear sturdy shoes and weed proof clothes, and pack sun protection, water, and a sack lunch if desired. Before you go, read this Archaeology Southwest article to learn more about the significance of this site. As always, to protect sensitive sites like this one we limit this field trip to GCAS members and those guests who can accompany the GCAS member in their vehicle. Let's go!

Previous month:
January 2023
Next month:
March 2023

February 2023

2023 Earth Day - Let's Go!

EarthDay 2023Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM: It's the annual Earth Day/Continental Divide Trail Days celebration in Gough Park, Silver City, brought to you by the Gila Resources Information Project (GRIP).

The GCAS has typically had a booth at this event, with educational materials of all kinds and a variety of fundraising/sales items; please email Marianne or telephone her at 772-529-2627 to volunteer some time to help us set up, run, and break down our booth on Saturday.

For further information on the additional events are happening all weekend including a Talks of the Trail speaker series, a community celebration, and CDT hikes, contact GRIP directly.

/s/ webmaster

SAA Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon

Saa-logo Saa-2023-or-logoThe Society for American Archaeology (SAA)'s 88th annual meeting will be held this year in Portland, Oregon from Wednesday, March 29, 2023, through Sunday, April 2, 2023! Any GCAS members planning to attend? Please contact the GCAS by email or telephone (772-529-2627) to let us know and we'll send a little bit of swag to SAA along with you. Further meeting details, the meeting schedule, and contact info are all available on the SAA's Annual Meeting page. Plan now!

/s/ webmaster

Mark Your Calendars - Join the AAHS and Us for a Special March Event

Pony Hills panel 1Current GCAS member and supporter, and past member of the Mimbres Foundation, archaeologist Pat Gilman announces that the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society is in the preliminary stages of planning a field trip to the Mimbres Valley from Friday, March 10, through Sunday, March 12, 2023. They've booked a room at the Little Toad Creek Brewery for Friday dinner (March 10), hoping that they can also use the room for a brief Powerpoint overview of Mimbres archaeology presented by Pat Gilman herself.

AAHS is inviting GCAS members to join them for the March 10 dinner - dutch treat - and then join them for any or all parts of the weekend tour they have in mind. Pat reminds us that the AAHS is still in the early planning stages for this field trip, but she asks GCAS members to “Please let me know if you can join us for dinner and the show*.  The Little Toad Creek Brewery would like to know about how many people will be at dinner.  I don’t need to know if you will join us for any parts of the field trip itself, but I hope you can.  I want to show off what you all have done, and I’d like you to talk about it. And I’d like our members to be able to chat with you all who know so much about the local archaeology and the valley.”

This is an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with our neighbors in Arizona's AAHS so the GCAS is welcoming our members to this weekend event as both our monthly field trip AND our monthly meeting for March!

Continue reading "Mark Your Calendars - Join the AAHS and Us for a Special March Event" »

Chris adamsWednesday, February 15, 2023: the GCAS meets again at 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City, New Mexico. Light refreshments provided and OK to bring your own light snacks or handy meal (burrito, etc.) and beverage. Meeting starts at 5:30PM sharp with a brief to nonexistent business meeting followed at 5:45PM by our featured speaker, the redoubtable archaeologist Chris Adams. Chris will showcase for us the Feather Imagery Depicted on Mimbres Pottery. Expect meeting to adjourn about 7:00PM. As ever, in order to offer our members a safe and comfortable experience the GCAS follows CDC and New Mexico Department of Health guidelines for indoor gatherings including masking, distancing, and vaccinations. We recommend all attendees follow the same. Learn more about Chris's significant career in protection and preservation:

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New Member? Renewing Member? Join Now!

GCAS Logo2023 is well underway and there's no better time to join the GCAS or renew your membership!

Membership runs from January through December of the current year. Our individual membership is $20 and our family membership is $30. Click through to this page to either renew online via our PayPal link, or to download, print, fill out our Membership form, and send it with a check by mail to: Grant County Archaeological Society, PO Box 1713, Silver City, NM 88062.

Thank you for joining us!

/s/ webmaster

Breaking: Full-Time Archaeologist Position - Apply Now!

MA2906People, please forward this opportunity IMMEDIATELY to your favorite archaeologist. Bat Conservation International, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ending bat extinctions worldwide and boasting a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, is seeking an archaeologist to fill a full-time position as a Cultural Resource Specialist to join BCI’s Conservation Department. This individual will work as part of BCI's Restoration Team in their Habitat Protection & Restoration Program (HP&R) at a yearly salary of $55,000- $58,000. Interested archaeologists must apply ASAP for this position because the application deadline is February 17, 2023. Interviews will begin on February 20, 2023, with an ideal start date in mid-March 2023. Autumn Cool, RPA and BCI's Cultural Resource Field Lead, adds:

Continue reading "Breaking: Full-Time Archaeologist Position - Apply Now!" »