NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 6:00 PM at 2045 Memory Lane in Silver City, New Mexico. The GCAS's next monthly IN-PERSON ONLY meeting features our own Lee Brown, retired mining engineer and Chief Engineer for the Concentrator at the Chino Mine, who will discuss evidence of Prehistoric Mining in North America with highlights from our own region. Doors open at 6:00 PM with light refreshments provided with a brief socialization period and business meeting, to be immediately followed by Lee's presentation. See you there!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: Sunday, March 2, 2025: The next GCAS field trip will visit the Woodrow Site, one of the largest and best-protected sites in the area, led by its site steward, the GCAS's own Greg Conlin. Meet at 10:00 AM sharp at the Chuck's Folly gas station on the west side of Hwy 180 in Cliff, about a 35-minute drive westbound on Hwy 180 from Silver City and a short distance before the junction of Hwy 180 and Hwy 211. Wear sturdy shoes and weed proof clothes, and pack sun protection, water, and a sack lunch if desired. Before you go, read this Archaeology Southwest article to learn more about the significance of this site. As always, to protect sensitive sites like this one we limit this field trip to GCAS members and those guests who can accompany the GCAS member in their vehicle. Let's go!

Previous month:
July 2022
Next month:
September 2022

August 2022

The GCAS Field Trip to Pitchfork Ranch

This report and all photos come to us courtesy of GCAS member and trustee, Kathryn McCarroll.

1 - Fine Day MKMThe forecasts of heavy monsoon rains and bad road access were greatly exaggerated for the GCAS's August 7, 2022, field trip to Pitchfork Ranch in the Burro Mountains. The weather that Sunday turned out to be splendid. A ranch employee guided a group of about 20 GCAS members and friends to a couple of small sites located within ranch property.

3 - groundstone cluster MKMThe sites our group visited included a small historic stone-and-adobe structure, while at other nearby areas, the group found clusters of groundstone and broken metates that may have been washed down from their former locations by years of past flooding (photo over there on the right)....


4 - drop pendants MKM 5 - malachite and tire treads MKM...And of course, the group photographed potsherds with varied designs and styles before returning them to where they'd been found. (That's a bit of malachite the group found among the potsherds, adding to the adventure.)

Thank you for sharing those photos and news of the field trip, Kathryn!

/s/ webmaster

Announcements from the Jornada Research Institute

OverseasOur friends at the Jornada Research Institute have alerted us that two of their upcoming international tours - part of their Overseas Journeys program - are filling up fast. Three spaces remain available for their 10-day tour in March, 2023, Exploring Roman and Etruscan Archaeological History; likewise three spaces remain open for their April, 2023, tour, Natural and Cultural Wonders of Peru. For each tour's prices and itinerary click here and contact Dave Greenwald for more information and to sign up for either or both tours! Dave adds that the JRI:

Continue reading "Announcements from the Jornada Research Institute" »

Register Now for the 2022 Mogollon Conference

Wild cholla 2This year's Mogollon Conference is set for Friday, November 4, 2022, thru Saturday, November 5, 2022, in the Student Union building on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. Go here for details on registration, the Call for Papers (deadline is September 2, 2022), Conference Schedule, and more as they develop. Register before October 1, 2022, for a sweet early-bird discount. There will be a reception (cost estimated at $50-$65) hosted by Archaeology Southwest on the evening of Thursday, November 3, 2022, which offers an excellent opportunity for students to mix with faculty and the rest of the professional community.

Finally, please re-check the Conference website for periodic updates. We'll see you in Tucson!

/s/ webmaster [Photo by M.Smith]


Presenters Sought for October's Southwest Kiln Conference

Swkiln2021-7The 2022 Southwest Kiln Conference is coming to town from Friday, Oct. 7 thru Sunday, Oct. 9 at Silver City's own Western New Mexico University. The WNMU Museum and director Danni Romero are hosting a conference room in the museum for lectures, and WNMU is providing an open space for the firing of the kilns. However, here's what SW Kiln needs from pottery-oriented folks right now:

"We are looking for folks who would like to present subjects on prehistoric pottery making on Friday and would welcome interested parties to send a note back on a subject you may want to present on."


Continue reading "Presenters Sought for October's Southwest Kiln Conference" »

August 17, 2022, Via Zoom: Our Featured Speaker: Manuel Dueñas Garcia

Manuel_at_LaQuemada(1)Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 7:00 PM online via Zoom: The GCAS welcomes West-Mexican archaeologist Manuel Dueñas Garcia as our Featured Speaker for our monthly general meeting. As usual for our Zoom meetings we invite everyone to hop online about 6:45 PM to get settled while we have a brief-to-nonexistent business meeting. Manuel will begin his presentation at 7PM sharp to share his perspectives on Aguascalientes Archaeology and the Northern Border of Mesoamerica during the Epiclassic (600-900 CE).

Manuel is a graduate student at the University of California at Merced where he focuses his research on the northern frontier of Mesoamerica including long distant trade, world systems theory, and 3D records for archaeological materials. See below for two examples of his 3D model reconstructions:

Continue reading "August 17, 2022, Via Zoom: Our Featured Speaker: Manuel Dueñas Garcia" »

In Memoriam: Raymon E. McGee

Mcgee cynWe are saddened to report that longtime GCAS member, Raymon McGee, passed away at age 91 on July 26, 2022, in his home town of Deming, New Mexico.

Ray was very active in our group, especially during the 1970s through 1990s, concentrating his explorations of archaeological and historic sites in southwestern New Mexico including the Bootheel. He became so knowledgeable of the area that he led many GCAS field trips to areas unknown to most other people, including to a petroglyph site in an unnamed canyon on BLM land near Deming. So significant was this petroglyph site to our group, that the GCAS nicknamed its location as "McGee Canyon" in Ray's honor.

Continue reading "In Memoriam: Raymon E. McGee" »