NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 6:00 PM: the annual GCAS holiday party gets underway in Silver City at the Memory Lane Clubhouse, 2045 Memory Lane (last building on the right as you face the entrance to the Memory Lane cemetery). Doors open at 6:00PM. We’ll announce our Board of Directors & officers for 2025, then go straight into holiday festivities including a potluck dinner and white elephant gift exchange. Bring your best holiday potluck dish to share, your most festively-wrapped white elephant to put under the tree --- and don’t forget your Santa hats! Email Marianne or telephone/text her at 772-529-2627 if questions. Let's all get together one last time before 2025!

NEXT FIELD TRIP: TBA: watch this space.

Upcoming Online Lectures: All About Birds
Avian Archaeology - Archaeology Southwest's Free Online Zoom Series

Three Turkey Tales

GouldsSet aside the following dates in your calendar to enjoy Archaeology Southwest's upcoming series of three monthly presentations on the significance of turkeys in the US Southwest's archaeological record. Any one of these lectures would be well worth your while, and attending all three would be just grand:

Tuesday October 5, 2021, 6 to 7 p.m.: Archaeology Café's free online lecture, “Ancestral Pueblo Turkey Penning in Perspective,” by Cyler Conrad sponsored by Archaeology Southwest (ASW), Tucson. Cyler Conrad (Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of New Mexico) will discuss “Ancestral Pueblo Turkey Penning in Perspective” to explore how archaeologists have identified and contextualized turkey pens in the Ancestral Pueblo archaeological record, what that means for understanding turkey management, and how conceptualizing turkey penning allows us to better understand the processes of turkey domestication and long-term human-turkey relationships. More info and registration here.

Tuesday November 2, 2021, 6 to 7 p.m.: Free online, join Archaeology Café's lecture, “Turkeys in the Mimbres Valley” by archaeologist Sean Dolan sponsored by Archaeology Southwest (ASW) of Tucson. Sean Dolan (N3B Los Alamos) will discuss Turkeys in New Mexico’s Mimbres Valley using pottery iconography, ancient mtDNA analysis, and stable carbon and nitrogen bone isotope analysis. He also will explore how people in the Mimbres Valley interacted with turkeys. More info and registration here.

Tuesday December 7, 2021, 6 to 7 p.m.: Free online, it's “Turkey Feather Blankets in Ancestral Pueblo History” Archaeology Café lecture by Bill Lipe and Mary Weahkee sponsored by Archaeology Southwest (ASW) of Tucson. For over 1,600 years, a distinctive Southwestern domestic turkey furnished feathers for ritual uses and for making warm blankets. The birds also became a significant food source after about 1200 CE. Bill Lipe (Professor Emeritus, Washington State University) will discuss archaeological evidence of the development of feather blankets and how they contributed to Ancestral Pueblo lives, and Mary Weahkee (New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies), the best known present-day replicator of turkey feather blankets, will discuss some techniques used in making them. More info and registration here.



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